Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 2 ... A photo that makes you happy

...I cant help but smile when I look at this picture. I think it was one of the few times in my life when I felt completly "whole" and okay with everything... :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 01 - A picture of yourself on the first day of the challende with fifteen facts

1. FACT: I absolutely HATE the color black, but it seems to be my ENTIRE wardrobe.
2. FACT: I LOVE big sunglasses even though I think they look ridiculous on ANYONE.
3. FACT: I love summertime.
4. FACT: I am a complete game nerd!!! I'm talking Mario, Zelda, Cod....
5. FACT: I love my hair blowing in the wind.
6. FACT: My chiluhuaha is REALLY like my kid
7. FACT: On my list of things to do in life I made as a kid...I only have a couple "to-do's" left already..and that scares me maybe I should dream more?
8. FACT: I believe in God.
9. FACT: I play the guitar <3
10.FACT: I have faith.
11. FACT: I am terrified of pretty much all scary movies!
12. FACT: I HATE trying new foods i figure if im paying to go out to eat i want to KNOW i LIKE what im paying for :)
13. FACT: Im allergic to shellfish...and NO its not a mental thing!
14. FACT: When ceilings have that popcorn stuff on them it BOTHERS me... no i dont know why
15. FACT: I put Ranch on EVERYTHING... mmmm